Let me replace your HTX-252 microphone cable!

I’ve seen a lot of interest in people wanting to get their HTX-252 microphone cable replaced lately. The repair page is creeping up as one of the most visited on my site next to the Yaesu 857D mod page. I’ve received a few e-mails asking if I would do the replacement and of course I said yes! So here is what I’m offering. I am supplying the cable and shipping back to you so when you figure those as well as the various fees that both Ebay and Paypal charge. You’ll see I’m more into helping people than becoming a millionaire.

I know that there are those of you who don’t like Ebay or Paypal and so the offer to help still stands, you’ll just have to contact me through this site or via my call @arrl.net. I’ll more than likely setup a contact page here in the immediate future but for now, I’m really not that hard to get a hold of.

Let me know if you want your mic cable replaced!



It’s Time for some Spring Cleaning in the Shack!

*** This website (or content) contains affiliate links. As an affiliate, I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases made through these links, at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products and services I genuinely believe in, and any compensation received does not influence the content I create. Your support through these links helps me continue to provide valuable content. ***

I’ll be uploading stuff to Ebay over the next month or so. You can see what I have by clicking on the link below.

(Affiliate Link) Click Here to View My Auctions!

New QSL Card Search Added!

Thanks to some help from a PHP ninja, I added a new page for QSL info! You can use this search to check the status of any QSL Card that I have received or sent! If you’re expecting one then you can see if I sent it. If you sent one and I have not replied as of yet then, well you can see that too! Hit up the QSL tab up top.

EOY 2012 QSO Counts

Thanks to Clublog.org I have this nice little chart showing what my end of the year QSO counts have been over the past couple of years.  You can see here I ended 2012 with fewer QSOs than 2011 but I made more Phone contacts. 2011 just happens to be the year that I discovered the Signalink USB…
