Welcome to 2020 Won!

Well as bad as 2020 was, it was a busy year for me somehow. I finished off the year replacing the mic cords on 38 microphones and my eyes are feeling it! I replaced the cords on 26 HTX-252 mics, 8 HTX-242 mics, and 4 HTX-212 microphones. Over the past 5 1/2 years I’ve done about 110 total.

Granted, I just started doing the 212 and 242 microphones in 2020 but even the 26 HTX-252 microphones is more than I’ve done in a single year previously. I guess it could be the lock downs or the stimulus checks, but they were distributed pretty much evenly throughout the year, Thank God!

As mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been doing these mics for $35 each for the past 5+ years even though the prices of shipping and supplies have been steadily increasing. I do this as needed more so to help others keep their trusty rigs on the air than to get rich but I have to draw a line between being paid to do them and paying to do them.

So from now on I’ll be charging $40 if you Contact me from this site for each of the 3 types of microphones. Of course that varies if you provide the cord or send multiple mikes.

The eBay auction is still up if you prefer to go that route. eBay has stated that they’re changing the way sellers get paid and that might take PayPal out of the equation. If it does then I’ll probably lower the price on the auction but for now it has to be a bit higher due to all of the fees involved.

If you need references, you can check my Feedback on eBay or hit me up and I’ll dig up a few for ya.

Here’s a pic of a 242 mike I received for repair.

And here’s what they look like when I’m done.

That’s it for now. Happy New Year All!
